Scorpio natives, in relation to you, represent intrigue. These persons often frighten you. This is because, Aries, they awaken your emotions-you tend to do and say things which you ordinarily would avoid. The Pluto of Scorpio and your Mars represent rebellion; the status quo is overthrown. Your ideas are revolutionized. You engage in activities which you may previously have considered taboo. Scorpio natives nudge your innermost desires. You may not immediately like Scorpio, but neither can you ignore a Scorpio. Scorpio at times tend to smother you. Too much of one thing, too much at one sitting, too much too soon. That is how Scorpio could affect you.
You could feel restricted in association with Scorpio, because Scorpio reminds you of fiscal responsibilities. This is a fire. Water relationship and could be described as anything but easy, smooth, or completely harmonious. Scorpio does many things to you. If you prefer to ignore challenge, and prefer one dish to a valid menu, then avoid Scorpio. But if psychological mystery intrigues you, then probably you have found the right person.