Where Gemini is concerned, these people activate your Second or money House. Gemini natives interest you because you can talk to them about your ambitions, your collections, and your desires but somehow it is difficult for you to really get excited about them. With Gemini, there is muck talk. There is planning and sharing of knowledge, ideas. Some of those ideas could click. Gemini can be instrumental where money is concerned. But you could also get bogged down in a fog of plans, talk, and speculation. You could go too far out if you fall too muck under the influence of charming Gemini. Your Venus signification combines with Gemini's Mercury to bring about a kind of active receptivity. That is, Gemini does the talking and you do the listening. Gemini gives and you receive. This goes on until a balance is achieved until you start giving. However, if you refuse to tackle your fair share, then there is a break-up it is the end of Gemini and Taurus.
Gemini is apt to lose patience with you unless you continually show interest, even awe, when Gemini speaks. If you are an energetic Taurean, then the association proves beneficial, Otherwise, Taurus, look elsewhere. Taurus and Gemini often arrive at the right money decisions. They can be at the right place at the right time. There could be a "Midas touch" here, but once a point is proven the lines holding you together might snap.