You are attracted to Scorpio persons much in the manner that opposites attract opposites. The relationship, (although often resulting in marriage or other legal contracts), is usually either very good or very bad, with little in-between.
There is action when you get together with Scorpio. You tend to begin new projects, Taurus, in association with Scorpio that could result in a business, a marriage, a contract, and an agreement. There is a natural attraction, but both Scorpio and Taurus want to be the boss. This, of course, could lead to trouble -so, at the very beginning; it is best to settle just who is to take the lead.
If you want to pioneer, to begin a project, then Scorpio is perfect for you. But such a relationship does not promise to be completely smooth. Scorpio affects your Seventh Solar House, connected with marriage, contracts, and the way you look to others. Scorpio can make you change your ways -and your appearance. Know this, be ready to make adjustments. This is a combination of your Venus and Scorpio's Pluto. Venus and Pluto can create new fashions; styles and can attract wide attention.
This is a relationship that could result in marriage.. It also could finally be one in which both Scorpio and Taurus feel that it is time to move on, without the other. It is a relationship of extremes either hot or cold, together for always, or a final parting. The accent is on publicity, contracts, and legal maneuvers. The key for both Scorpio and Taurus, in this relationship, is to learn temper control. If this is done, the relationship could survive a rocky beginning and go on to a glorious finale.
If it's peace and quiet you're looking for, then it is best to by pass Scorpio. But if you seek adventure and are willing to make some very real changes -you have found the right person.