If you have to spend muck time away from people, you would probably seek out Aries to share that seclusion. The Mars of Aries is attractive to your Venus; there are many characteristics, which are opposite to each other. This sets up a magnetic pole; you are drawn to the Aries vitality. Aries is fascinated by your ability to ruminate, to finally arrive at a decision and head for a goal. Although you are zodiacal closer to each other, you are poles apart as far as basic drives, motives and interests are concerned. This being so, you can learn from each other.
Aries individuals tend to excite you in the manner that one is excited by a drama. Aries represents mystery for you. These persons attract you physically, but any relationship takes on a clandestine atmosphere. This means that, although you may feel drawn to Aries, it is in a subtle manner, not out in the open. It is best for you to entertain Aries at home, with not too many others present. Otherwise, you tend to drift and Aries moves away from your sphere. You can be alone in a crowd and enjoy it with Aries